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Read Our Accessibility Statement

Our Newquay Holiday Park, built for everyone


Here at Hendra, we want everyone to be able to enjoy a Hendra Holiday. Making our holidays accessible for everyone is something that we want to achieve and develop. Our staff are always happy to help and improve the Park for everybody for those who have a disability or reduced mobility, a visual impairment, autism, or a disability – hidden or otherwise.

Hendra has recently joined the Sunflower Scheme for Hidden Disabilities, which gives us access to training for all staff so that we can raise awareness of hidden disabilities and how we can be as helpful and accommodating as possible.

Here’s a list of things that we currently have in place to help make your holiday more accessible and relaxing. If you have any further suggestions or concerns, please email

Hendra Holiday Park – Accessibility Guide


  • We offer telephone, email and postal correspondence and are also more than happy to accept textphone/Minicom calls through TextDirect and Typetalk.
  • Our website has been tested to conform to Level A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, including all Priority 1 checkpoints defined within the Guidelines.
  • Mobility equipment is available from Independent Living, 01637 498015, but needs to be arranged before your arrival.
  • A copy of this access statement is available in large print and via post, fax or email upon request.
  • Our staff are always happy to discuss our facilities and advise you on the best locations to suit your needs, along with informing other departments of your concerns. For example, if your family member has dementia, we can pass on your contact details or if you have somebody with autism who needs priority access to the pool we can arrange this. Call on 01637 875778 or email 


  • The entrance to Reception is via an extra wide set of double doors that lead to a foyer area that is level throughout and entirely accessible to wheelchairs.
  • An induction hearing loop is fitted and staff are always happy to employ it for your benefit.
  • A number of parking bays are located in close proximity to Reception.
  • Assistance from all staff is always available upon request.

Public Areas

  • The site is on a gentle slope and all of our facilities within the main public areas have flat access and extra wide doors, except the Laundrette, which is on a walkway containing a few steps.
  • All steps throughout are delimited with colour, and the public areas are well illuminated at night.
  • In all our new signage we have used words and symbols to improve readability.
  • Guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs are accepted in all areas, with water bowls also available.
  • The main roads throughout the site and public areas are surfaced with tarmac. The Oasis car park is covered with reclaimed tarmac, whilst flat paving stones and patio stones feature within the public areas.
  • Specific disabled parking spaces are located throughout the site, including within the main public area/pedestrian zone upon request.
  • An accessible  WC for the disabled is located in the foyer of the Terrace bar and restaurant, which has level access and wide double doors to the public areas.

 The Venue and Terrace Bar & Restaurant

  • The Terrace Bar and Restaurant, conservatory and terrace are located on the ground floor, and The Venue on the floor above can be accessed via a steep slope to the main entrance
  • Each entrance has wide double doors with level access, some with automatic doors.
  • The floor plan of both areas is open with wide level access doorways throughout, and wheelchairs are permitted throughout the complex.
  • All tables and chairs are moveable, and for those customers with disabilities, reservations can be made upon request and waitress service made available.
  • Key catering staff are trained to discuss any food concerns, please speak to them about any allergies or needs.
  • TV screens displaying notices, news and events are located in the foyers of both the Terrace Bar and Restaurant and The Venue.
  • Disabled parking is situated nearby and can be arranged on the same level as the Terrace Bar and Restaurant entrance upon request.
  • WC located on both floors, and an accessible WC for disabled is located in the foyer of the Terrace bar.

Oasis Pool Complex

  • Wheelchair access into the Oasis complex is available via the Terrace Bar Dining area.
  • Disabled parking is available nearby in the public areas upon request.
  • There is level access throughout the complex; reception, changing area, showers, WC to/around both pools.
  • The unisex changing area has large family changing cubicles.
  • There is an adult changing table provided
  • Both the indoor and outdoor pools can be accessed via shallow ramps, with lifeguard assistance if required. There is, however, no wheelchair access to the flumes or rapids.
  • A disabled-accessible WC is located within the Oasis complex.
  • In our signage we have used words and symbols to improve readability.
  • Further assistance is always available upon request, and staff are trained to discuss any pool safety concerns.

Shop, Amusements and Launderette

  • There is level access and wide entrance doors to the Shop and both Amusement areas.
  • The aisles are wide enough for wheelchair access throughout most of the Shop and Amusements.
  • The shelves in the Shop are stacked from floor level to head height, but assistance is on offer upon request.
  • Both the Laundry has single width doors with a one step entrance, and are located on a walkway containing a few steps. Nearby parking in the public areas is available upon request however, and for wheelchair bound guests on their own we can offer a service wash.
  • All washers and dryers are front loading and coin operated.

Static Caravans

  • The majority of our static caravans have parking alongside and, if requested when booking, we will endeavour to keep you as near to the facilities as possible.
  • We do accept guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs, but please inform us upon booking.
  • The majority of our static caravans are not wheelchair accessible having two to four steps to the entry door. However, this year we have added ramps to 2 of our caravans (Godrevys 1 and 2 in a 2 bed).
  • Our Kynance van is completely accessible, with wheelchair friendly access, a 15ft galley kitchen and a bespoke wet room.
  • All vans have showers and not baths, but many vans offer en-suite accommodation.
  • All vans are heated and level inside with no steps but with narrow corridors.
  • All vans are fitted with smoke detectors and a fire blanket/extinguisher.
  • All caravans are non-smoking and hyper-allergenic duvets and pillows can be provided upon request.
  • Subtitles are available on all TVs.
  • Please refer our holiday caravans page to view detailed plans of the types of vans on offer.

Touring Pitches and Facilities

  • Parking is permitted on each touring/camping pitch, with the exception of our family friendly camping fields (Tamarisk & Ash), and is readily available next to Sycamore block. There is also a large disabled parking bay located directly outside of Pine block.
  • Staff are more than happy to advise on the location of pitches and suitability for your requirements on enquiry during booking.
  • We offer the facilities to re-charge electric devices, including wheelchairs, and store chilled medicine in Reception, and can receive pre-deliveries of oxygen in small amounts.
  • All three main toilet and shower blocks have wide entrance doors and are level throughout, although access to Pine block is via a sloped pathway.
  • The toilet and shower facilities provided are spacious, well lit and open 24 hours a day. Pine block also offers large and well equipped  toilet/shower rooms for the disabled in both the ladies and gents sides, and Oak block offers a large family shower facility in the gents side.
  • On the signage in the blocks, we have used words and symbols to improve readability.
  • Our overflow fields are located at a further distance from the main public areas and are not serviced by tarmac roads.
  • The toilet and shower facilities for our overflow fields are all accessible by small sets of steps, and the washing up facility is located on a raised wooden decking platform. We would not recommend these areas for wheelchair users.

Grounds and Gardens

  • The park extends over a large area and parts of the site are located on a slope.
  • The park is serviced by tarmac or gravel roads linking all areas of the main site.
  • Street lighting illuminates most of the roads.
  • Pedestrian walkways are marked out along the busier roads and we have restricted the traffic speed throughout the site to 5mph to ensure the safety of our guests and staff.
  • The site is well sign posted throughout, with both word and symbols to improve readability.
  • The individual fields of the site are separated by Cornish hedges or tree lines, and there are many landscaped areas located throughout the site.
  • Some areas of the site are possibly better suited for those customers who suffer allergies such as hay fever.

Additional Information

  • A public telephone is provided, and there is generally good mobile phone coverage throughout the site.
  • A 24 hour emergency phone number is provided upon arrival should you ever need to contact a member of staff in an emergency. This phone number can also receive text messages.
  • Full lists of local care, medical and service providers and rental companies contact details are available in Reception.
  • Phone numbers for taxi firms with wheelchair accessible vehicles are available in Reception, with a dedicated taxi pick up and drop off point adjacent to Reception.
  • The bus service into Newquay from the site entrance runs at regular intervals.

Future Work

  • We are looking into ways of increasing the range of disabled and family facilities throughout the park.
  • We are identifying locations for further disabled parking spots around the site.
  • Guest feedback and suggestions about accessibility are always warmly received.

Contact Information

Address: Hendra Holiday Park, Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 4NY
Telephone: 01637 875778
Fax: 01637 879017

We have tried to be as accurate and as thorough as possible when describing our site and facilities in this access statement. However, if it does not answer your particular question or if you require any further information regarding our site and facilities please do not hesitate to contact us.