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Celebrating 2021 With Your Hendra Holiday Photos

Winter has officially arrived here at Hendra, but after the lovely memories that we’ve made this year, we’re still clinging onto summer for as long as possible! That’s why we decided to take a look at your favourite memories from 2021.

A couple of weeks ago, we posted on our Instagram and Facebook accounts asking for your best Hendra holiday snaps from this year, and you really did us proud! We had so many fantastic submissions, so we’ve tried to include as many of our favourites as we could.

Take a look below and join us in celebrating another wonderful year at Hendra.

Your favourite sunrises and sunsets over Hendra:

The little ones loved Henry and Henrietta (and some adults did too!):


Summer fun around Hendra:



Thank you to everyone who sent in a photo, it was so wonderful looking through your memories and seeing your smiley faces having fun around Hendra! We can’t wait to welcome you back soon for even more exciting adventures.

Our 50th season will be our biggest year yet, and we’ve been busy preparing…

Renovations at Hendra

While you’ve been away, our team have been busy updating our park for our 50th season. The Terrace, Reception and Venue are undergoing big refurbishments, so look out for the changes on your next visit! We will also post some updated photos on our socials soon, so keep an eye out there too.

Elsewhere across our site, our maintenance and housekeeping staff have been taking good care of our holiday homes, and the grounds are being mowed, pruned and planted in time for spring. Excitingly, our Blackberry field has undergone a rewilding project to attract new life to the site!

We have installed 3 beehives and over 200 trees and shrubs to brighten up the field and provide habitats for local wildlife. We’re very excited to announce that we have already seen visitors to the beehives, and they seem very happy in their new home! We hope that the new plants and birdhouses that we’ve installed across the site will attract even more life which you can appreciate when you return again next year.

We’re all looking forward to welcoming you back next season for warmer weather and our big 50th celebrations! We have lots planned for our birthday, and we can’t wait to share our plans with you soon.

So, from all of us here at Hendra, wrap up warm and enjoy the winter season!